DRS KIT is affiliated with DRS Holding. Dr. Susanne Gmeiner is the founder and developed the concept of DRS KIT (Keep In Touch).

It was personally important for Dr. Susanne to connect with her grandfather and grandmother living in other country. She encountered problems as her loved ones there found in difficult to use any device. This sparked the idea of KIT.

DRS KIT is designed to solve all those real-time issues in connecting people. The invention has hardware and software which is designed exclusively for connecting with elder people in the family, as in DRS we call it “connecting generations” , which implies that the elderly can also make calls effortlessly.

We believe technology’s main purpose is to make life easier and KIT makes life easy for the families who wants to stay connected with their loved ones. We strive to provide perfection to make life convenient, sustainable to protect environment, beautiful by its unique design. With KIT, we aim to push boundaries to connect with our loved ones in an uncomplicated way. 

Our hardware is practical and must have.
Out software is crystal clear, unsophisticated in use, but precise in performance.
Our service is relentless pursuit of perfection.